Fascial Stretch Therapy
How FST can change your life NOW!
Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is an innovative system of manual techniques working on multiple planes of movement focusing on the fascia and joint capsule. The key elements are to achieve optimal flexibility, pain relief, increases strength and enhances performance and recovery. Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST™) compliments all other therapies and treatments.
The stretching performed on a table similar to a massage table; which comes equipped with comfortable padded straps that aim to stabilize the parts of the body not being worked on. The session is relaxing, pain-free, fluidly choreographed movements between the therapist and client working with your breath to ease into a gradual series of gentle, but deep stretching patterns.
Change all this in 3 sessions or less:
- PAIN- often greatly reduced or eliminated
- STRESS - immediately and significanly reduced
- SLEEP - finally wake rested and refreshed
- APPEARANCE - better posture, look healthier and more confident
- MOBILITY - greatly improved after just one session
- WEIGHT - better mobility, more effective training, stay motivated
- SEX - increase your enjoyment!
What is different about FST?
FST is a pain-free! It improves mobility of your nerves and flexibility of our muscles and fascia. Other methods focus on isolated muscle stretching which is often uncomfortable or even painful and results are only temporary.
What is Fascia?
Fascia is the connective tissue system of the body that penetrates through and wraps around muscles, nerves, organs and just about everything else in the body. A joint capsule is also a connective tissue structure that surrounds joints and is involved in optimizing the mechanical function of the joint as well as gives it nutrients.
Who Benefits?
Everyone! Any patient cleared by their physician for stretching and active movement, fitness enthusiasts, athletes of all levels including professionals!
Why Stretch Fascia vs. Muscle?
Fascia surrounds each muscle, connects them to each other, penetrates deep inside them. It also connects muscles to bone to form a body wide, smart, functional network. Fascia connects to all of your organs and systems too.
Focusing on stretching the muscle only is "old school", boring, limited in benefit and often hurts and does not last.
Is is Based on Science?
The first research into the effects of FST commenced in 1997 with founder Ann Frederick's thesis, found at www.stretchtowin.com. Current research on the effects of FST on chronic low back pain is being conducted with a team at the University of Arizona Medical School in Phoenix. FST is also based on the extensive science resources found at www.fasciaresearchsociety.org.
The Fredericks are authors of the books Fascial Stretch Therapy and Stretch to Win.